- Jeffrey Viscomi | M.D.
CoolTone for Buttocks: The Non-Surgical BBL Alternative
So many people rave about the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) for its ability to give a firm, lifted booty. After all, it’s not easy to get the definition and volume you want with only diet and exercise. But while cosmetic procedures are a convenient way to reach aesthetic goals, not everyone wants to undertake surgery. That’s where CoolTone saves the day!
With CoolTone, you can still get that sculpted figure without worrying about the risks of invasive surgery. This body-shaping treatment enhances the glutes’ muscle mass and improves the overall muscle tone, resulting in noticeable improvements. Let’s get into it.
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How CoolTone Buttocks Treatments Work
CoolTone is FDA-cleared to strengthen, tone, and strengthen muscles using advanced magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) technology. MMS tech penetrates the muscles and the glutes for a BBL effect. This current of energy effectively stimulates the glutes’ muscle fibers and induces powerful contractions known as supramaximal contractions.
What is CoolTone Muscle Stimulation?
Each supramaximal contraction places tension on the muscle tissues, causing the body to create and fortify muscle fibers. Each 30-minute treatment produces 20,000 contractions. To accomplish this on your own, you would have to do 20,000 squats, and that’s simply not happening in real life.
Creating new muscle fibers stimulates volumetric growth and produces plumper glute muscles. Furthermore, treatments fortify existing fibers, improving the muscle tone.
How to Get the Best CoolTone Results
CoolTone can be used to treat many body areas, from the stomach to the arms and thighs. No matter where you sculpt, if you want great CoolTone results, be sure to schedule your session with the most reputable medspa. That way, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re getting the highest-quality treatment.
Besides finding a quality med spa for services, you can maximize CoolTone results by:
Scheduling a Series of Sessions
When you go in for a consultation, your specialist will help you determine how many appointments will work best for your body. Everyone is different, but most people reach their goals with anywhere from four to six sessions. We recommend spacing your treatments out with a couple of days between to give your body time to rest.
Monitoring Your Progress
A noninvasive solution like CoolTone and CoolSculpting takes time to develop. With CoolTone, your muscles need additional time to strengthen from the supramaximal contractions. Be patient for two to three months as your muscles continue to see more definition.
Staying Active & Eating Well
You can maximize your butt-sculpting results by eating healthy foods and working out between and after your sessions. Resistance training exercises for the butt are helpful, such as:
- Squats
- Glute bridges
- Hip thrusts
- Rear lunges
- Step-ups
- Sumo squats
- Side leg raises
- Fire hydrants
We also recommend exercises like yoga and pilates, which are incredibly beneficial for toning the body.
Does a CoolTone Butt Treatment Hurt?
Unlike a surgical procedure requiring time to recover, CoolTone does not involve any pain. You will feel your muscles contracting during your session, but it won’t hurt. After your appointment, it’s normal to experience some soreness as the muscles get stronger and leaner, but it will feel like you’ve finished a challenging workout.
Candidacy for CoolTone Buttocks
The ideal CoolTone candidate already has some muscle definition but wants more firmness. Patients are generally in good health and not overweight. While some patients can see minimal fat reduction after CoolTone, it is not meant to be used for weight loss.
Is CoolTone Safe During Pregnancy?
We do not recommend CoolTone treatments while pregnant. Any sort of elective treatment is best to avoid until after giving birth. In fact, it’s a great way to celebrate after pregnancy! Treat yourself and help the booty bounce back after the baby with CoolTone butt treatments.
Try CoolTone for the Buttocks in the Cleveland Area
Dōcerē Medical Spa and Laser Center is a premier provider of CoolTone in Strongsville. We have skilled specialists who can help each patient achieve optimal results and an undeniably round, lifted butt. Working together, we will create a custom treatment plan so you can reach your aesthetic goals.
Ready to work your glutes for a sculpted, lifted butt without incisions or downtime? Get in touch with our team today!
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Important Safety Information
CoolTone® is FDA-cleared to strengthen, tone, and firm the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Common side effects include muscle, joint, or tendon pain, muscle spasm, and skin redness.

Dr. Jeffrey Viscomi
Dr. Viscomi received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Dayton. He then went on to graduate from Wright State University School of Medicine in the top 10% of his class. Following residency at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Viscomi began his Family Practice in Strongsville and quickly became a nationally recognized leader in primary care for his unique practice model. Dr. Viscomi is a member of the Aesthetics Practice Association and has completed extensive training in the use of laser in aesthetic procedures.